Technical Meeting

Today, the CARAMEL consortium started a technical meeting among all participants to synchronise the activities carried out to achieve the proposed goals and present the challenges related to the integration of the various research tasks carried out over the last months.
We can recall that one of the objectives of CARAMEL focuses on designing and implementing detection and response techniques based on artificial intelligence and multimodal fusion of the sensors available in autonomous vehicles. In addition, to obtain a deep learning technique that can be used in anticipation of cyber-attacks that intend to perform malicious activities on the autonomous vehicle.
The meeting was opened by Petros Kapsalas, who updated the activities carried out as part of Work Package #6.
Thus, the advantages of artificial intelligence as a mitigation technique to counter elaborate attacks were mentioned.
Later, the consortium members were reminded about the used vehicle to demonstrate the project’s outcomes in the final review.
Afterwards, each consortium member involved in activities related to pillar 1: Autonomous Mobility, presented their progress to synchronise efforts in a timely manner.

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